Systematic Requirements of Research Proposals and how to address them in Writing

Research proposals and scientific articles differ in many ways. But what exactly are the differences between the two? And what impact do they have on writing processes? In this compact and engaging workshop, we will examine these issues. Moreover, you will test out several AI tools that can support the early stages of your own writing. The goal of the workshop is to provide you a thorough grasp of the requirements for research proposals and hands-on access to fulfill them.

Event Details
Leibniz University Hannover, Research Support
Johannes Wespel is a research support manager at Leibniz University Hannover. While his own academic background is in linguistics, he advises applicants for research proposals from diverse subjects
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Luisa Gödeke is a research support manager als Leibniz University Hannover with a focus on funding programmes of the federal ministries, scientific prizes and internal research funding. While her academic background is in linguistics, she has profound knowledge in teaching academic writing and academic writing consultation.
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The workshop is open to external and internal participants.

Postdocs and early-career-researchers who are planing to prepare a (first) grant proposal.

Event Details