POSTPONED One Week Challenge: DFG Grant Writing Workshop

This 1-week workshop will provide participants with valuable insights into DFG research grants, while equipping them with the essential skills to develop a strong foundation for their individual DFG research grant proposals. By the end of the workshop, the primary goal is for participants to have a draft of their individual DFG grant proposals.
DFG funding enables participants to secure their own positions, advances their academic careers & provides a solid foundation for their future research.

The workshops supports postdocs who want to prepare a DFG Research Grant application for a project at TU Dortmund University, Ruhr University Bochum or University Duisburg-Essen

Event Details
Register until Sept. 1st via the link on this website:

Postdocs who want to prepare a DFG Research Grant application for a project at TU Dortmund University, Ruhr University Bochum or University Duisburg-Essens

Event Details