EU Funding Opportunities for PostDocs and Young Research Group Leaders

In this workshop, participants will get an overview of the funding opportunities for postdocs within the Marie S.-Curie Actions and the European Research Council (ERC) programs.
The MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships support young researchers by giving them the opportunity to work on a chosen research project in a research institution in Europe or worldwide for one or two years.
ERC Grants are aimed at promising young researchers, by funding the creation or consolidation of their first research team.

Individual consultations after the presentation are possible, if requested.

Event Details
Dominik Maas received his M.A. in European Studies at University of Wuppertal in 2013. After an internship at the representation of the Free State of Bavaria to the European Union in Brussels and a short time as project assistant at the Federal Office of Administration in Cologne, he joined the KoWi Bonn office in 2015. Since then he has been a member of the Marie S.-Curie Actions (MSCA) and European Research Council (ERC) team of KoWi.
Join the webinar directly via the Zoom link:
Webinar ID: 885 1792 7250 Passcode: tW26mpM76D

PostDocs interested in EU research funding opportunities and the application procedure for MSCA and ERC Grants

Event Details