My visibility as a scientific expert on LinkedIn & ResearchGate

Social media platforms offer exciting opportunities to become visible as an expert. When starting to use these platforms, however, scientists often face various questions, e.g.: Which online platform can support me best? What do I have to consider in order to be visible to recruiters? How can I use these platforms to increase my reputation and visibility? This workshop deals with the platforms LinkedIn and ResearchGate and supports postdocs in developing and promoting their own profile.

Event Details
Steinbeis Research Center - Institute of Resource Development
Katja Wolter studied Business Administration at the University of Applied Sciences Stralsund and John-Moores-University in Liverpool (England). Since 2013, she is working as head of the Steinbeis Research Center - Institute of Resource Development, Greifswald.
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Postdocs who want to use social media to promote their scientific profile

Event Details