Planning and optimizing your academic career

The postdoc phase is crucial for furthering one’s academic career and is split between dependent employment and academic independence. Scientists are confronted with numerous professional challenges. The webcast (length: 2.5 hours) informs you about all the important requirements and milestones for an academic career and gives you concrete tips and advice, both on the weighing of requirements and on strategic considerations during the postdoc phase on the way to a professorship.

You can access the webcast (a recorded Vimeo video with accompanying documents) all week long.

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consultant & lecturer for scientists at schainundkuchenbrandt
Register here

The webcast (a recorded Vimeo video with accompanying documents) is available throughout the week. It is NOT an all-day, all-week event you have to attend. Once you registered you will get a password which you can use to watch the video on vimeo and access the docs during the PAW2023.

All postdocs

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