Postdoc Impulse: Good Research Practice – New roles, new responsibilities

The workshop focuses on the supervision perspective in the postdoc phase. Participants will exchange ideas on how they can fulfill their responsibility for teaching the basics of good scientific work in their own research environment, what experiences they have had, and what resources and support they need to do so. Typical feedback and common uncertainties of doctoral researchers regarding data management and publication practices will be integrated and discussed.

Event Details
Valentina Vasilov is certified research integrity trainer, person centered-integrative coach (DACB, GwG), as well as facilitator in areas of career development and communication. She has many years of professional experience in doctoral education as well as working experience in diversity management in the academic field. As a member of the GC Plus Team she offers counselling to early career researchers and designs programmes and trainings for the development of transferable skills.
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The workshop is open to postdocs of the University Alliance Ruhr and limited to 12 places.

Postdocs of the UA Ruhr universities

Event Details