Postdoc101 Talk: Diversity and (In)Equality

Today many universities, institutes or research groups have measures for promoting demographic diversity and gender equality – and indeed, such measures may be a requirement for receiving funding. Yet, universities remain riddled with inequalities, may of which are unjust. This talk is premised on the idea that, in order to promote demographic diversity, we need to take social inequalities into account. The focus of this session is how to contribute to a workplace that is welcoming to everyone.

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Anna Welpinghus holds a doctorate in philosophy. Among other things, her research has dealt with unconscious bias. She has been teaching philosophy at Bielefeld University since 2022 and is involved in the development and quality management of the degree programs there. Contributing to good learning and working conditions at universities is important to her. She also offers workshops on how to deal with structural injustice in higher education.
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