
Dr. Cornelia Rövekamp
Dr. Cornelia Rövekamp (RPTU, Leiterin der Stabsstelle Gleichstellung, Vielfalt und Familie in Kaiserslautern)
Prof. Dr. Antje Labes
Flensburg University of Applied Science
Sascha Köpken
Gründungsberater an der Universität Oldenburg und zertifizierter YES-Trainer
Stephanie Sera, M.A.
Stephanie Sera, M.A., is a career advisor and coach (DACB-certified) at the Graduate Center Plus of the University of Duisburg-Essen. She focuses on equity and diversity in promoting early career researchers and advises doctoral candidates, postdocs and junior faculty on career issues.
Representatives of SIEMENS
Dr. Mona Friess
Dr. Mona Friess is a coach for early career leaders. She finished her PhD in 2019 at the ETH Zurich and started working as a postdoc in Novartis. Dr. Friess encountered numerous challenging situations during her early career as a leader, navigating through uncharted territories with minimal guidance. She understands the unique struggles faced by emerging leaders and is committed to filling the void by leveraging her own experiences to provide invaluable support and guidance in their leadership journeys.
Dr. Matthias Zach
Dr. Matthias Zach counsels researchers and scientists on all relevant aspects of their careers. Educated in Oxford, Paris and Tübingen, he has previously worked as an academic, a science manager and as an independent translator. In his current position at the Karriereberatung für Akademiker*innen, he focuses especially on national and international academic careers.
Dr. Amani Said
Trainer, Speaker, Career Coach, founder of Success Beyond the Lab. Dr. Amani Said obtained her PhD from the MPI in Dresden, Germany (2007) and lives in Spain. After trying out many different careers, countries and cities, She realized what needed to change was not the job but HER. That is how the journey of personal development and coaching began. Working on mindset was the key that helped her overcome most of obstacles and achieve personal and professional goals. That is how she empowers scientists in doing the same, by developing a growth mindset in combination with learning all the career development skills to launch their dream careers.
Dr. Martin Moder
Molecular Biologist, science buster, youtube and winner of several science communication prices
Dr. Rakesh Kasturi
Dr. Rakesh Kasturi is the Sprintdoctor - a people, culture and organization coach with extensive experience in workshop facilitation and working with reseacrhers