Workshop: Strengthening Mental Resilience for Everyday Postdoc Life

What exactly is mental resilience? What influences it? How can I reinforce it myself? And may that even be fun?

After a brief introduction to the factors of resilience the participants will get to know several small handy tools for self-assessment and strengthening mental resilience. In individual or small group exercises you will try out these tools and reflect on these tools which are suitable for everyday use and help you to stay mentally healthy and productive even in challenging times.

Event Details
The trainer studied psychology, journalism and romanistics (M.A.) in Mainz, Middlebury (USA) and Valencia (Spain) and completed the continuing education program 'Conflict Counselling and Mediation' from the University of Hamburg. She works as trainer, coach and moderator since 2002.
Link to event

The workshop is open to external and internal participants.


Event Details