Career Clarity: A self-reflection session for researchers

Are you a passionate researcher seeking greater clarity and purpose in your scientific career or beyond? Then this is your event at #PAWde!
Join us for a productive lunch break to take a career timeout for yourself, to learn to self-reflect and to forge connections: Share your experiences, aspirations, and challenges with a like-minded community that understand the unique demands and joys of the research world. All you need to do is to just show up with some pen and paper!

Event Details
Dr. Rakesh Kasturi is the Sprintdoctor - a people, culture and organization coach with extensive experience in workshop facilitation and working with reseacrhers
German Scholars Organization e.V.
Birte heads the advisory services and programs at German Scholars Organization (GSO) (, an independent nonprofit that advises, connects, promotes, and funds researchers who want to build a career in Germany.
Link to Event

The event is open to internal and external participants.

PhDs, Postdocs, Group Leaders

Event Details