Have you just started your postdoc at KIT? Then come and join other German and international KIT postdocs at the Welcome Event for Postdocs. We will give you plenty of information on how to best profit from the postdoc phase...
Netzwerken ist ein zentrales Element der Karrieregestaltung – Stellenbesetzungen, Co-AutorInnenschaften, gemeinsame Drittmittelprojekte, etc. Erfolgreiches Netzwerken kann Türen und damit wertvolle Karrieremöglichkeiten öffnen. Es gibt Menschen, denen dies scheinbar leichtfüßig und mühelos gelingt. Aber wie machen sie das? In diesem Kurz-Workshop...
The legal challenges (WissZeitVG, BerlHG) bother postdocs nationwide. Experts from academia and politics will give an input before addressing the questions, suggestions and perspectives of the postdocs in a World Café. Finally, the results are summarized and reflected in a...
The Graduate Academy of Friedrich Schiller University Jena is the university’s central institution for all doctoral researchers and postdocs. It offers them broad service in all interdisciplinary matters and supports them in and between all career phases. At the same...
Join us for an engaging in-person networking event as part of Postdoc Appreciation Week! Connect with fellow postdocs from GFZ & PIK, build valuable relationships and expand your professional network.This event offers a supportive and relaxed environment to celebrate the...
The Vice Rector for Research and Early Career Researchers invites the postdocs of the UDE to an informal exchange at the BRÜCKE. Exchange ideas with your colleagues over drinks and snacks and share impressions, challenges and achievements that affect you...
Considering a career in academia in Dresden comes with numerous advantages and benefits. We offer a wide range of customized services designed explicitly for postdoctoral researchers.Our Postdoc Talk will show you exactly what these services are and how you can...
BYRD fördert Postdocs an der Universität Bremen, die zu ähnlichen Themen forschen und gemeinsam Projekte auf die Beine stellen möchten. Als Netzwerk anerkannt, können Sie bei BYRD Mittel von bis zu 2.500 € im Jahr für Aktivitäten beantragen.Bei unserem After-Work-Meeting...
La autoestima es la relación que establecemos con nosotrxs mismxs. Vivir en el extranjero y ser investigador, son dos situaciones que afectan directamente a la autoestima. Dependerá de nuestros recursos personales, si nuestra autoestima se ve afectada en negativo y...
Are you a Spanish researcher in Germany or do you know any? Would you liketo connect with other Spanish researchers in your field or are you maybe just seaking forsome exchange about aspects of living in Germany, share jokes that...