Empowering Your Postdoc Journey: Join LUH’s In-Person Meet-up and Career Chat

Presented by LUH’s Graduate Academy and Research Support

Join us for an engaging in-person Postdoc Meet-up and connect with other fellow postdocs! This event features two postdocs from LUH who will introduce themselves and share their experiences, providing valuable insights into their academic journeys. You will have ample opportunities to ask questions and exchange ideas with your peers, fostering a supportive and collaborative environment. Moreover, the Graduate Academy and Research Support teams will be on hand to address any career-related inquiries, guiding you both within and outside academia. Don’t miss this chance to expand your network and gain valuable knowledge for your postdoc journey!

Event Details
Postodc Support at the Graduate Academy. Gives information on academic career options and conditions as well as individual advice and strategic measures to support young researchers
Advisor for research funding with a focus on DFG and postdoc phase
Register for Event

The event is open to internal participants from LUH.

Postdocs at LUH

Event Details