
September 20, 2023
6:30 pm
September 20, 2023
7:30 pm
We wrap up our Postdoc Appreciation Day at the UFR with snacks and drinks at the Botanical Garden where you can talk to three excellent UFR and MPI researchers (junior research group leaders, tenure track professors) from different fields. They...
September 21, 2023
9:00 am
September 21, 2023
4:30 pm
In der Wissenschaft bleiben und die nächsten Karriereschritte schärfen!Der Workshop bietet die Möglichkeit, auf der Grundlage des akademischen Portfolios, sich Ihrem Karriereziel in drei Schritten (Potenzialverortung, Zielfokussierung, Planungsschritte) zu nähern.Stärken und Ressourcen sollen wirksam eingesetzt werden, Hindernisse erkannt und geeignete...
September 21, 2023
9:00 am
September 21, 2023
4:00 pm
In this workshop participants learn the vital facts about possibilities and challenges that international PhD-holders face on the German job market, are inspired to let their international background strengthen their profile and will be empowered by case-studies of numerous international...
September 21, 2023
9:00 am
September 21, 2023
10:00 am
The DFG Individual Research Grant (in German: Sachbeihilfe) is the most popular project funding from early postdoc researchers to professors. In its flexible funding modules, you can also raise funding for your own position (Eigene Stelle). We will present the...
September 21, 2023
9:00 am
September 21, 2023
1:00 pm
This proposal writing workshop will focus on the DFG “Emmy Noether Programme”, a funding opportunity for junior research group leaders. Hands-on exercises will be combined with tips on crafting a convincing funding proposal as well as program-specific information on the...
September 21, 2023
9:00 am
September 21, 2023
12:00 pm
An interactive workshop on AI for scientists where we shed some light on the opportunities available today. A Berlin startup in the AI for health space will introduce the workshop and demonstrate its tech stack to inspire us. The objective is...
September 21, 2023
10:15 am
September 21, 2023
11:15 am
Participants will be introduced to the opportunities and challenges of science communication. The workshop will give an overview of formats, styles and audiences of today’s SciComm from a rhetorical viewpoint. The workshop will use hands-on exercises to get your own...
September 21, 2023
11:00 am
September 21, 2023
12:00 pm
The promotion of early-career researchers and young scientists is a top priority at KIT. In this event, KIT Career Service will present their services for postdocs and give you an overview of what is important when you are applying for...
September 21, 2023
11:30 am
September 21, 2023
12:30 pm
Building on foundational research, the Carl Friedrich von Weizsäcker Center provides a platform for reflections and guidance on questions of responsible science concerning ongoing societal challenges. At our workshop we present and discuss past and ongoing research and activities of...
September 21, 2023
11:30 am
September 21, 2023
12:30 pm
This workshop offers a short overview of the science system in Germany and the research career opportunities you can find here. It will inform you about different opportunities for research careers in Germany, what are the pros and cons of...