
September 19, 2023
10:30 am
September 19, 2023
11:15 am
Today, the career goal of professor can be achieved in a variety of ways. Therefore, academics should inform themselves early on about the best path for them. The lecture will therefore provide an overview of different career paths in science.
September 20, 2023
10:00 am
September 20, 2023
10:45 am
„Hiermit bewerbe ich mich auf die Professur…“ So oder so ähnlich beginnen viele Bewerbungsanschreiben. Wir sprechen darüber, wie sich Ihre schriftliche Bewerbung aus der grauen Masse abheben kann, welche Einstellungsvoraussetzungen überhaupt gelten und welche Besonderheiten gerade bei Bewerbungen auf Professuren...
September 20, 2023
10:00 am
September 20, 2023
12:00 pm
A life in academia abounds with opportunities and excitement — and it is full of uncertainties and risks. It is, therefore, a good idea carefully to plan your next steps and to explore possible career paths in some detail. This...
September 20, 2023
1:15 pm
September 20, 2023
3:50 pm
In this 15-minute one-to-one sessions Jana Schmitt, coordinator of the Postdoc Office and career counsellor, will give personal advice on your individual questions on how to become a postdoc at KIT.First come, first served. 1.15 p.m. – 1.30 p.m.1.35 p.m....
September 21, 2023
11:00 am
September 21, 2023
12:00 pm
The promotion of early-career researchers and young scientists is a top priority at KIT. In this event, KIT Career Service will present their services for postdocs and give you an overview of what is important when you are applying for...
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