Autoestima en investigadores en el extranjero

La autoestima es la relación que establecemos con nosotrxs mismxs. Vivir en el extranjero y ser investigador, son dos situaciones que afectan directamente a la autoestima. Dependerá de nuestros recursos personales, si nuestra autoestima se ve afectada en negativo y acaba debilitándose, o si a pesar de las circunstancias, nuestra gestión interior hará que la autoestima crezca y se haga más fuerte.

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Tonina Ferrer is a psychologist and a coach. She is specialized in wellbeing and personal development. Particularly, she has devoted 10 years of her professional activity, to work with Spaniards living abroad, providing support in the process of developing their personal resources, thus enabling them to maximise their potential and wellbeing. She is specialist in migration and mental health.
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Researchers in general, also their families

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