For this year’s PAW Kick-Off, the PAW organizers have teamed up with SciLead! During our Kick-off Event, the organizers will present the idea behind the Postdoc Appreciation Week, share highlights from the event program and kick-start the week’s social media...
Presented by LUH’s Graduate Academy and Research Support Join us for an engaging in-person Postdoc Meet-up and connect with other fellow postdocs! This event features two postdocs from LUH who will introduce themselves and share their experiences, providing valuable insights...
“Every week should be Postdoc Appreciation Week” Don’t miss the PAW Closing Event on Friday, September 22nd! This open meeting will showcase the best moments of the Postdoc Appreciation Week in Germany and given an opportunity to discuss future activities....
You plan to write a research proposal but you are not sure which calls and programmes would fit you best? This course will help! During the first 20 minutes, participants will get a brief overview of the third party funding-landscape...