Inspire, Connect, and Celebrate: Postdocs in the Rhein-Neckar Region

This afternoon event aims to bring together Postdocs of the entire Health + Life Science Alliance Heidelberg Mannheim campus.

Inspire: Engage in knowledge-sharing – highlighted by an intriguing keynote talk on drug testing in the ISS.

Connect: benefit from networking beyond your institution and initiate collaborations – try new tools from an expert.

Celebrate: Join your fellow postdocs in commemorating past and future accomplishments – come hungry and thirsty.

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Dr. Pampaloni is an accomplished researcher with a remarkable journey. He occupies a permanent staff scientist position at Goethe University Frankfurt's Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences. His passion for 3D cell cultures, Light Sheet Microscopy, and gravitational biology fuels his exploration of intricate cellular microenvironments and tissue development. Dr. Pampaloni pioneers the creation of physiologically relevant tissue models, unlocking new horizons in biotechnology and clinical research. His influence extends beyond our planet, spearheading groundbreaking experiments like the SHAPE project for the CellBox-3 mission on the International Space Station. With upcoming collaborations supported by the European Space Agency, he continues to redefine scientific boundaries.
Trainer, Speaker, Career Coach, founder of Success Beyond the Lab. Dr. Amani Said obtained her PhD from the MPI in Dresden, Germany (2007) and lives in Spain. After trying out many different careers, countries and cities, She realized what needed to change was not the job but HER. That is how the journey of personal development and coaching began. Working on mindset was the key that helped her overcome most of obstacles and achieve personal and professional goals. That is how she empowers scientists in doing the same, by developing a growth mindset in combination with learning all the career development skills to launch their dream careers.
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The event is open to internal and external participants.

Postdocs in the Rhein-Neckar Area.

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