Transitioning from academia to another sector can be challenging: How do my skills translate to a job in the business, public or non-profit sectors? Where can I find inspiration and what’s behind certain job titles? How should my CV and...
In this panel discussion, experts and role models will talk about the different aspects and dimensions of how to develop a unique profile as a scientist. What are the major strategic decisions that should be made in this regard, and...
Researchers in Germany work mostly under temporary contracts and yet, there is a time limit for how long that can be so. It is 12 years, right? Or 6 if I am already a doctor when coming? oh! Is it,...
In this lecture, you will get to know the possibilities of becoming a postdoc at KIT, the offers and services that are available to you as a postdoc, and how you can use this important qualification phase well for yourself...
Career Talk to get an overview of the most important aspects of an academic career in German-speaking countries. What career paths are there? What do I need to keep in mind? Where are potential obstacles and risks?
Die meisten Menschen sind sich der Macht von Big Data bewusst, die hinter Google steckt, aber nur wenige denken an all die Daten, die hinter LinkedIn verborgen sind. LinkedIn hat über 700 Millionen Nutzer*innen und unzählige Unternehmensprofile, die eine Fülle...
The workshop focuses on the supervision perspective in the postdoc phase. Participants will exchange ideas on how they can fulfill their responsibility for teaching the basics of good scientific work in their own research environment, what experiences they have had,...
Research proposals and scientific articles differ in many ways. But what exactly are the differences between the two? And what impact do they have on writing processes? In this compact and engaging workshop, we will examine these issues. Moreover, you...
Netzwerken ist ein zentrales Element der Karrieregestaltung – Stellenbesetzungen, Co-AutorInnenschaften, gemeinsame Drittmittelprojekte, etc. Erfolgreiches Netzwerken kann Türen und damit wertvolle Karrieremöglichkeiten öffnen. Es gibt Menschen, denen dies scheinbar leichtfüßig und mühelos gelingt. Aber wie machen sie das? In diesem Kurz-Workshop...
Today, the career goal of professor can be achieved in a variety of ways. Therefore, academics should inform themselves early on about the best path for them. The lecture will therefore provide an overview of different career paths in science.
Nach der Doktorarbeit ist oft vor dem ersten Drittmittelantrag. Viele Förderorganisationen verlangen darin Angaben zum geplanten Umgang mit Forschungsdaten. Doch was sollte eigentlich in einem entsprechenden Antragskapitel stehen? In diesem Workshop stellen wir Unterschiede und Gemeinsamkeiten bei den Anforderungen der...