
September 18, 2023
9:00 am
September 22, 2023
6:00 pm
The postdoc phase is crucial for furthering one’s academic career and is split between dependent employment and academic independence. Scientists are confronted with numerous professional challenges. The webcast (length: 2.5 hours) informs you about all the important requirements and milestones...
September 19, 2023
9:30 am
September 19, 2023
11:00 am
In this lecture, you will get to know the possibilities of becoming a postdoc at KIT, the offers and services that are available to you as a postdoc, and how you can use this important qualification phase well for yourself...
September 19, 2023
10:00 am
September 19, 2023
11:30 am
Career Talk to get an overview of the most important aspects of an academic career in German-speaking countries. What career paths are there? What do I need to keep in mind? Where are potential obstacles and risks?
September 19, 2023
10:00 am
September 19, 2023
12:30 pm
Die meisten Menschen sind sich der Macht von Big Data bewusst, die hinter Google steckt, aber nur wenige denken an all die Daten, die hinter LinkedIn verborgen sind. LinkedIn hat über 700 Millionen Nutzer*innen und unzählige Unternehmensprofile, die eine Fülle...
September 19, 2023
10:30 am
September 19, 2023
1:00 pm
Netzwerken ist ein zentrales Element der Karrieregestaltung – Stellenbesetzungen, Co-AutorInnenschaften, gemeinsame Drittmittelprojekte, etc. Erfolgreiches Netzwerken kann Türen und damit wertvolle Karrieremöglichkeiten öffnen. Es gibt Menschen, denen dies scheinbar leichtfüßig und mühelos gelingt. Aber wie machen sie das? In diesem Kurz-Workshop...
September 19, 2023
10:30 am
September 19, 2023
11:15 am
Today, the career goal of professor can be achieved in a variety of ways. Therefore, academics should inform themselves early on about the best path for them. The lecture will therefore provide an overview of different career paths in science.
September 19, 2023
11:00 am
September 19, 2023
1:00 pm
The legal challenges (WissZeitVG, BerlHG) bother postdocs nationwide. Experts from academia and politics will give an input before addressing the questions, suggestions and perspectives of the postdocs in a World Café. Finally, the results are summarized and reflected in a...
September 19, 2023
12:00 pm
September 19, 2023
12:30 pm
The Graduate Academy of Friedrich Schiller University Jena is the university’s central institution for all doctoral researchers and postdocs. It offers them broad service in all interdisciplinary matters and supports them in and between all career phases. At the same...
September 19, 2023
12:30 pm
September 19, 2023
2:00 pm
For postdocs it is often a challenge to see how valuable their skills and experiences are for the non-academic labour market. This talk shall support you to see job opportunities outside of academia and ask your questions during the Q&A...
September 19, 2023
2:00 pm
September 19, 2023
3:15 pm
In this online lecture, our expert Anna Dost from KIT´s Research Office (FOR) will introduce you to the most important funding schemes in the postdoc phase and present available services for postdocs at KIT in this regard. However, the main...
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