Events 2023

Event Program: PAW 2023
September 21, 2023
3:00 pm
Your Innovation Skills: You will get an introduction to the innovator’s skillset and learn to reflect on your own skills and how to use them for your career. Furthermore you will discover the entrepreneurial superpower within the group. The event...
September 21, 2023
4:30 pm
Career Talk: Scitaris today has grown to a team of 25 international PhD scientists supporting biopharma companies in the US and Europe from answering focused strategic and technical questions around single assets to full-blown portfolio management and corporate strategy. Dr....
September 21, 2023
4:30 pm
Germany’s largest independent research funding organisation offers funding opportunities for all career stages between doctorate and professorship. Join our online talk and get to know the DFG, Germany’s largest independent research funding organisation, and its funding portfolio for postdocs in...
September 21, 2023
4:30 pm
Wie sehen die Karrierwege von Postdocs abseits der Professur aus? Drei Alumni der Leuphana berichten beim Online-Talk-Event “Let’s Talk About: Karrieren außerhalb der Wissenschaft” von ihren individuellen Karriereentscheidungen und -Wegen.
September 21, 2023
5:30 pm
Come and join us for an insightful event about lessons learned in the world of academia. Renowned scientists will be sharing their career journeys with us, including experiences, obstacles, and valuable lessons they learned while climbing the career ladder. Don’t...
September 21, 2023
5:30 pm
The Munich Postdoc Network regularly organizes get togethers open for all postdocs in the Munich area. For the PAW, postdocs are invited to join a special edition hosted by the Max Planck Institute for Plasma Physics in Garching. The event includes an...
September 22, 2023
9:00 am
Wo stehe ich gerade und wie geht es weiter nach der Postdoc-Phase? Im Rahmen des Workshops zur Standortbestimmung erhalten Sie einen kurzen theoretischen Input zur Karriereplanung, der Sie auch dabei unterstützt, sowohl den Blick auf Ihre Lebensziele zu schärfen als...
September 22, 2023
9:00 am
This workshop addresses researchers, who want to understand the logic of peer review processes. The workshop presents different review strategies and background information from the perspective of research funders. The participants need to prepare short [mock] applications and act as...
September 22, 2023
10:00 am
“Altersarmut ist weiblich!”, “Eine zusätzliche private Vorsorge ist unerlässlich!”, “Ein Mann ist keine Altersvorsorge!”. All diese Aussagen sind den meisten Frauen bekannt, aber häufig fehlt es am nötigen Wissen oder die gefühlten Barrieren sind zu groß, um die eigenen finanziellen...
September 22, 2023
10:00 am
We will discuss different aspects of power abuse in academia. Our special guests will explain the current ethical culture in academia. Daniel Leising will give insights into the personal and systemic factors that permit or promote unethical behaviour. He will...
September 22, 2023
10:00 am
Aus Bewerberinnenperspektive findet der größte Teil eines Berufungsverfahrens ‚hinter den Kulissen‘ statt. Die Veranstaltung möchte Nachwuchswissenschaftlerinnen Einblicke in denen aus ihrer Sicht „verborgenen“, Teile des Verfahrens geben..
September 22, 2023
12:30 pm
Are you a passionate researcher seeking greater clarity and purpose in your scientific career or beyond? Then this is your event at #PAWde!Join us for a productive lunch break to take a career timeout for yourself, to learn to self-reflect...